suwei Read aloud
suwei Read aloud
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Life insight: The greatest education for a person is to forgive the imperfections of their parents!
The article emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and understanding towards our parents. It narrates how our attitudes towards them change as we grow up-from fear to annoyance, to misunderstanding and estrangement. The piece points out that we should forgive our parents' imperfections because they are human, with their own flaws and mistakes. True upbringing is reflected in treating our parents kindly and with gratitude. We should cherish the time when our parents are with us, as they are an important part of our lives. As they age, we should be more attentive, patient, and tolerant. In conclusion, the article calls for us to forgive our parents' imperfections, as this is the greatest upbringing of a person.
Hello everyone! Welcome to 'Su Weilang Reads'. 'Su Weilang Reads' recites classic prose, poetry, and songs from both ancient and modern times, and from home and abroad, for you every day. We share works of famous authors and outstanding writers from all eras and all over the world, looking forward to growing with you in the ocean of literary knowledge.
近期优秀作品(Recent Outstanding Works):
If a person over 70 can still do these three things, they are truly a winner in life! I hope you are too
Behind Xu Jiayin's collapse: A large number of the newly rich return to poverty, and in the future, only one kind of person will be able to make money!
Liu Yuxi was demoted to Hezhou, where he wrote an 81-character eternal masterpiece, which was included in textbooks and has influenced countless people!
The 'Zizhi Tongjian' contains eight golden maxims that impart wisdom on how to conduct oneself and handle affairs, benefiting you immensely
Переглядів: 632


Selected Short Stories of Humanity, Lingering Emotions Long After Reading!
Переглядів 1,1 тис.2 години тому
這五篇小小說通過生動的情節展示了人性的多面性和生活的復雜性。《私奔》講述了一個女孩用極端的方式提醒父親,世上有比考試成績更糟糕的事。《雪》描繪了一個女人在生日那天與內心沖突的斗爭。《大餐》反映了一個教師對富人家庭的期待與現實的落差。《摘星人》是關于一個老人對星星的渴望,以及他最終成為雕塑的悲劇。《雨還在下》展示了一對夫婦在暴風雨中對家的擔憂和最終的失落。 These five short stories vividly depict the multifaceted nature of humanity and the complexities of life. "Elopement" tells of a girl who reminds her father that there are worse things in life than poor exam results, u...
Classic Essay: The Four Mistakes You Must Never Make in Life!
Переглядів 1,1 тис.4 години тому
在這篇文章中,作者強調了四個人生中應避免的錯誤:不斷與他人比較、擁有低情商的善良、無意義的悔恨和無休止的抱怨。比較會導致自卑、傲慢或失去自我。低情商的善良可能成為他人和自己的負擔。悔恨是無用的情緒,它不能改變過去,只會增加痛苦。抱怨是無效的,它不能解決問題,只會浪費時間。相反,我們應該接受現實,專注于未來,并控制自己的情緒,成為情緒的主人。 In this article, the author highlights four mistakes to avoid in life: constant comparison with others, kindness with low emotional intelligence, meaningless regret, and endless complaints. Comparison leads to inferiority, ar...
Shi Tiesheng's "Life Needs to Be Appreciated": What is the ultimate value of life?
Переглядів 5127 годин тому
史鐵生在散文《生命需要被欣賞》中探討了生命的意義。他認為,生命的價值不在于其實用性或具體成就,而在于其美麗和被欣賞的能力。他提出,重現往事并非為了使它們“真正存在”,而是為了欣賞它們。生命是一場無目的的游戲,其終極價值在于美。小說和故事提供了欣賞生命之美的機會,而不是解決問題的答案。最終,他以電影放映員的比喻,暗示生命如同一盤電影膠片,等待被觀賞和體驗。 In the essay "Life Needs to Be Appreciated," Shi Tiesheng discusses the significance of life. He suggests that the value of life lies not in its practicality or concrete achievements, but in its beauty and the ability ...
Zeng Guofan's saying "The wise do not blame others, the enlightened do not blame themselves"
Переглядів 1,8 тис.9 годин тому
文章《智者不怨人,明者不怨己》討論了責怪和怨恨的無意義。它強調,智慧在于自我提升和接受,而不是找別人或自己的錯。借鑒佛教教義和歷史軼事,它認為生活中的逆境不應被怨恨,而應被視為個人成長的機會。最終信息是以純凈的心擁抱生活,遠離怨恨,這將導致智慧和平靜的生活。這種觀點鼓勵我們將生活中的挑戰視為教訓,培養內在的智慧和寧靜。 The article "The Wise Do Not Blame Others, The Enlightened Do Not Blame Themselves" reflects on the futility of blame and resentment. It emphasizes that wisdom lies in self-improvement and acceptance, rather than finding fault with othe...
These 10 common sayings, known by everyone, cause no small harm! You and I use them too
Переглядів 1,2 тис.12 годин тому
文章探討了一些常見俗語的負面影響,如“一個巴掌拍不響”可能導致受害者受到不公正對待。它批評了年齡和經驗主義在解決問題上的過度強調,以及“各人自掃門前雪”反映的社會冷漠。文章還指出,將友誼置于競爭之上可能會削弱比賽的真正意義,而“天下烏鴉一般黑”等刻板印象可能導致不公和誤解。最后,它強調了機會不平等的現實,并呼吁人們正視現實,努力追求真正的平等。 The article discusses the negative impacts of certain common sayings. For instance, "It takes two to tango" can lead to unjust treatment of victims. It criticizes the overemphasis on age and experience in problem-solving an...
Should the elderly let their children manage their savings? Smart seniors do it this way!
Переглядів 73314 годин тому
在這個故事中,一位73歲的老太太面臨著如何保管自己積蓄的難題。當她的兒子們得知她的財產將來會歸他們所有時,他們急切地提出要照顧她。然而,不久之后,他們便建議管理她的財務,理由是她年紀大了記性可能會變差。為了確保自己的福祉并防止財產被濫用,她將積蓄分給了他們,并立下了遺囑,規定了繼承條件。最終,她雇了一位看護,并在孩子們真誠的關懷中找到了安寧,意識到孝順比財富更有價值。 In the narrative, a 73-year-old woman grapples with the dilemma of safeguarding her savings in old age. Her sons, upon learning that her assets will be theirs, eagerly offer to care for her. However, they soon s...
經典散文朗誦《為人民服務》作者 毛澤東
Переглядів 24216 годин тому
毛澤東在《為人民服務》中強調了共產黨致力于人民解放的決心。他反思了同志為人民事業犧牲的重量,將其比作泰山的沉重。黨對于人民利益的批評和改進持開放態度,誓言糾正錯誤并采納好的建議,如“精兵簡政”。文章突出了革命隊伍內部的團結和相互關懷,并確立了為每一位貢獻者舉行葬禮和追悼會的做法,無論其職位如何,以促進人民間的團結。 In "Serve the People," Mao Zedong emphasizes the Communist Party's dedication to the people's liberation. He reflects on the weight of a comrade's death for the people's cause, comparing it to the heaviness of Mount Tai. Open to criticism...
How to prove a man is a man? Yu Qing's novel 'Human Evidence' is too ironic!
Переглядів 59419 годин тому
在郁青的小說《人證》中,一位貌似民工的中年男子在火車上被一位漂亮的女列車員要求出示車票。他出示了一張兒童票,聲稱因為沒有殘疾證,無法購買殘疾人票。盡管他展示了自己只有半個腳掌,列車員還是堅持要看官方的殘疾證。一個老同志挑戰列車員對證件的過分依賴,幽默地要求看他的“男人證”,突顯了官僚主義的荒謬和弱勢群體的困境。中年男子被眼前的情景感動得流下了眼淚。 In the story "Human Proof" by Yu Qing, on a train, a beautiful conductor confronts a middle-aged man who looks like a laborer for his ticket. He presents a child's ticket, claiming it's the same price as a disabled person...
Will someone who remains unmarried their entire life still be carefree in their old age?
Переглядів 1,4 тис.21 годину тому
文章討論了選擇不結婚并獨身生活的后果。它通過講述一個老鄰居的故事,他未婚自由地生活,但因為缺乏儲蓄和家庭支持,在晚年面臨困難。這篇文章表明,一個人在年輕時可能享受自由和較少的責 ,但老年可能帶來挑戰,尤其是在沒有配偶或子女依靠的情況下。它強調了無論婚姻狀況如何,都要為老年做好準備的重要性。 The article discusses the implications of choosing not to marry and living a single life. It highlights the story of an elderly neighbor who lived freely without marriage but faced difficulties in old age due to lack of savings and family support. Th...
People who keep their homes very clean often have these three kinds of fates. It's very accurate!
Переглядів 1,4 тис.День тому
家不只是建筑,而是溫暖與愛的港灣。保持家庭整潔,反映了生活態度,帶來健康和積極生活。斷舍離不僅清理空間,也凈化心靈,培養淡泊名利的態度。良好的家庭環境促進人際關系,積累福氣。家的清潔有助于提升生活質量,創造幸福未來。 #人生感悟 #智慧人生 #斷舍離 A home is more than just a building; it's a sanctuary of warmth and love. Maintaining cleanliness at home reflects one's attitude towards life, leading to health and positivity. Decluttering cleanses not just the space but also the soul, fostering an attitude of simplici...
Essay Appreciation: Wang Meng | Life Is About Grand Vision and Small Pleasures
Переглядів 969День тому
王蒙的散文強調,人生的快樂源于善良與理解他人。大境界是超越小爭斗,保持樂觀,而小樂趣則是日常生活中的簡單快樂,如與人交談、享受食物、家庭和工作。他認為,即使是偉大的人也應享受普通的快樂,珍惜每一刻,并避免無趣的生活,因為無趣是人生的一大缺憾。 Wang Meng's essay highlights that the joy of life comes from kindness and understanding others. The "greater realm" is about transcending petty squabbles and maintaining optimism, while "small pleasures" are the simple joys found in daily life, such as conversations, enjoyin...
Essay Sharing | Infuse a Touch of Elegance into Life
Переглядів 344День тому
在紐約,作者和朋友被施坦威鋼琴吸引,進店體驗。店員不僅關注預算,更關心琴聲與人的契合。朋友試彈舒伯特,但更愛莫扎特。經過店員的專業引導,他們體驗了不同琴的聲音,最終被一架二手施坦威琴的音色打動,盡管買不起。這次經歷讓作者深刻感受到音樂的力量和個性化的服務,認為生活中應有音樂和藝術的位置,它們能帶來獨特的感動和領悟。 In New York, the author and a friend were drawn to a Steinway piano in a store. The staff cared not only about the budget but also about the harmony between the piano's sound and the individual. The friend tried playing Schubert but prefe...
A family with three leaks will be poor in future generations,
Переглядів 839День тому
文章強調家庭和諧與子孫興旺的重要性。提到“三漏”(漏德、漏財、漏事)會導致家庭衰敗,而“三象”(讀書、身教、和睦)則能促進家族繁榮。強調德行、節儉、家庭隱私的保護,以及教育、榜樣、家人間的和諧對家族長久幸福的影響。 The article emphasizes the importance of family harmony and the prosperity of descendants. It mentions that "three leaks" (lack of virtue, squandering wealth, and indiscretion) can lead to family decline, while "three symbols" (cultivation of reading, personal example, and harmony) can pr...
Переглядів 17414 днів тому
加拿大共產黨員白求恩醫生,懷著對中國人民解放事業的無私奉獻,遠赴中國支援抗日戰爭。他的國際主義和共產主義精神激勵著每一位中國共產黨員,要與全世界無產階級團結一致,共同反對帝國主義。白求恩醫生對工作的極端負責和對人民的深情關懷,體現了一個真正共產主義者的精神。他在八路軍醫療系統中的醫術卓越,為技術精進樹立了榜樣。白求恩的精神和奉獻,是我們所有人學習的典范,提醒我們要摒棄自私,為人民的利益而生活。 Dr. Norman Bethune, a Canadian Communist Party member, dedicated his life to aiding China's war against Japanese aggression. Despite being over fifty, he journeyed to China, driven by a selfless com...
Переглядів 4,2 тис.14 днів тому
Переглядів 1,6 тис.14 днів тому
Переглядів 13 тис.14 днів тому
Переглядів 10 тис.14 днів тому
Переглядів 6 тис.14 днів тому
Переглядів 4,8 тис.14 днів тому
Why Did Lu Xun Abandon Medicine for Literature? The Essay 'Mr. Fujino' Reveals the Reason!
Переглядів 41321 день тому
Why Did Lu Xun Abandon Medicine for Literature? The Essay 'Mr. Fujino' Reveals the Reason!
Why has Cai Yuanpei become the ceiling of contemporary university education?
Переглядів 25621 день тому
Why has Cai Yuanpei become the ceiling of contemporary university education?
How should one live their life? This essay is worth reading! Insights on life
Переглядів 3,6 тис.21 день тому
How should one live their life? This essay is worth reading! Insights on life
Переглядів 67221 день тому
Essay: "Always Believed Marriage is a Matter of Destiny" by Yan Lianke
Переглядів 90721 день тому
Essay: "Always Believed Marriage is a Matter of Destiny" by Yan Lianke
Do you feel increasingly tired? If you identify with one of these seven personalities, take note!
Переглядів 90121 день тому
Do you feel increasingly tired? If you identify with one of these seven personalities, take note!
eading Liu Zongyuan's 'Three Warnings' | True wisdom lies in recognizing one's own limitations
Переглядів 58121 день тому
eading Liu Zongyuan's 'Three Warnings' | True wisdom lies in recognizing one's own limitations
When You're Old and Lying in Bed, You'll Understand: The Closest People in This World Are Just Two
Переглядів 4,8 тис.28 днів тому
When You're Old and Lying in Bed, You'll Understand: The Closest People in This World Are Just Two
Wisdom of Life: Attitude for a Good Life, Unhurried and Unflustered!
Переглядів 4,8 тис.28 днів тому
Wisdom of Life: Attitude for a Good Life, Unhurried and Unflustered!


  • @Cindy-re1yb
    @Cindy-re1yb 4 години тому


  • @Cindy-re1yb
    @Cindy-re1yb 4 години тому

    真的有1教养怎一直骂我又不说就又懂怪别人 总之他有1教养态度不该那样1就是 反而改过自新 可是他却天天怪别人就是不曾怪过他哪里对哪里好 我们关系都因他超多过分破裂 最可悲他一直没面对哪里对哪里好 我从来没看2过男人对女2犯罪犯错恶业逃避推卸非常不对教育

  • @Cindy-re1yb
    @Cindy-re1yb 4 години тому

    真正最没教养的人就是自己超级没教养却居然一直推卸拖累有1教养的人。最没教养当然我亲眼看到他八年多超多超出底线的坏事然后居然都推卸责任给我而他却总是逃避责任 真的最没教养的人就是他自己才是却一天到晚推给别人 我看超多 如果真有教养又怎会犯罪犯恶业后一直逃避又乱怪别人 他会面对绝对不像他态度超级恶劣的 然后会停止恶业不是报复不是罚 还罚超级严重 态度又一直恶劣 有教养怎骂我教跟叫他改好 有教养早就停止还需别人多年提醒麽?

  • @taowalson9368
    @taowalson9368 5 годин тому

    哇, 人真是太不成器了,善待父母, 还原谅父母? 这是最大教养? 这是最基本的教养. 一个人没有原谅任何人的能力,因为无知. 不要再叫孩子吃人了. 鲁迅说的就是这个意思.

    • @suwei
      @suwei 4 години тому


  • @conniekconniek2793
    @conniekconniek2793 5 годин тому


    • @conniekconniek2793
      @conniekconniek2793 5 годин тому

      我想如果他們活到80,也許我需要學習他們的不完美,當時我36 歲還在認為我有最完美的父母。

    • @suwei
      @suwei 4 години тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 4 години тому


    • @conniekconniek2793
      @conniekconniek2793 4 години тому

      I’m honored that you responded me, thank you 🙏🙏🙏

  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 6 годин тому

    Thank you for reminding me ,sometimes I talk never think about their feeling I fell so bad .from todays onwards I will talk nicely to my mother . Thank you 🙏

    • @suwei
      @suwei 4 години тому


  • @Cindy-re1yb
    @Cindy-re1yb 9 годин тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 4 години тому


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 День тому

    I like the story about the child leave the letter for the father😅

    • @suwei
      @suwei День тому


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 День тому

    Thank you , the best advice 👍❤️

    • @suwei
      @suwei День тому


  • @davidlee7997
    @davidlee7997 День тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei День тому


  • @shuchang2979
    @shuchang2979 День тому

    很感謝您 加上中文字幕 讓我這遲暮老人 聽得更清楚明白!

    • @suwei
      @suwei День тому


  • @林今天
    @林今天 День тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei День тому


  • @user-mg4lg3lw1h
    @user-mg4lg3lw1h 2 дні тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei День тому


  • @shuchang2979
    @shuchang2979 2 дні тому

    很喜歡 您的文章哲理 也喜歡的朗讀聲線音調 ! 有個請求 可否加上 中文字幕 謝謝您🎉🎉🎉

    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дні тому


    • @shuchang2979
      @shuchang2979 День тому

      @@suwei 有了 謝謝您!

  • @tpl7741
    @tpl7741 2 дні тому


  • @PrairieWolf-xo8yx
    @PrairieWolf-xo8yx 2 дні тому

    冰心的形象塌了 冰心给林徽因提鞋都不配

    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дні тому


  • @Cindy-re1yb
    @Cindy-re1yb 2 дні тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дні тому


  • @Cindy-re1yb
    @Cindy-re1yb 2 дні тому

    你就从2016开始怪到现在。而你处理恶业态度不对就该面对。你对待人更超级恶心怎又没说。你自己居然敢天天乱怪别人你自己看看你自己 我拜托你面对早就分。谁稀罕你真的

  • @hoiyingting1686
    @hoiyingting1686 2 дні тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дні тому


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 3 дні тому

    Thank you ❤️

    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дні тому


  • @user-dh8ud3wq1o
    @user-dh8ud3wq1o 3 дні тому


  • @user-dh8ud3wq1o
    @user-dh8ud3wq1o 3 дні тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дні тому


  • @user-dh8ud3wq1o
    @user-dh8ud3wq1o 3 дні тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дні тому


  • @user-be4ks4jh5i
    @user-be4ks4jh5i 4 дні тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дні тому


  • @盧恩
    @盧恩 4 дні тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дні тому


  • @cbsl8424
    @cbsl8424 4 дні тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 4 дні тому


  • @changruxu3749
    @changruxu3749 4 дні тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 4 дні тому


  • @user-mo6cy1ui1b
    @user-mo6cy1ui1b 5 днів тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 4 дні тому


  • @wli3573
    @wli3573 5 днів тому


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 5 днів тому

    Thank you very much,today I learned a new words again.hope to have more of this video 👏👍

    • @suwei
      @suwei 5 днів тому


  • @hahahaha2961
    @hahahaha2961 6 днів тому

    胡说八道 毛主席是要分化美蘇联合,毛主席自己联合苏联干掉了苏联,毛主席才是伟大的战略家

    • @suwei
      @suwei 5 днів тому


  • @haixiangqian3374
    @haixiangqian3374 6 днів тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 5 днів тому


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 6 днів тому

    Good idea we should give and take . Happy family 😍❤️👍

    • @suwei
      @suwei 5 днів тому


  • @acswu2617
    @acswu2617 6 днів тому

    《冬夜讀書示子聿》 陸游 古人學問無遺力 少壯工夫老始成 紙上得來終覺淺 絕知此事要躬弓

    • @suwei
      @suwei 6 днів тому


  • @user-rs9vc7su7q
    @user-rs9vc7su7q 6 днів тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 6 днів тому


  • @Mary.L-cj4ej
    @Mary.L-cj4ej 6 днів тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 6 днів тому


  • @Suoyin18889
    @Suoyin18889 6 днів тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 6 днів тому


  • @anthonyandrose2803
    @anthonyandrose2803 7 днів тому


  • @anasu4729
    @anasu4729 7 днів тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 6 днів тому


  • @yijiji6682
    @yijiji6682 7 днів тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 6 днів тому


  • @zbillian9224
    @zbillian9224 7 днів тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 6 днів тому


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 7 днів тому

    Thank you very appreciate 👍

    • @suwei
      @suwei 6 днів тому


  • @zbillian9224
    @zbillian9224 7 днів тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 7 днів тому


  • @pichoi8887
    @pichoi8887 7 днів тому

    謝謝分享🌹 世界是自己的🙏💪

    • @suwei
      @suwei 7 днів тому


  • @anthonyandrose2803
    @anthonyandrose2803 8 днів тому

    甚麽是「殘疾」,為何要「殘疾証」,所為何由? 令我想起《孟子。離婁上》:「男女授受不親,禮也;嫂溺,援之以手者,權也。」的故事。

    • @suwei
      @suwei 7 днів тому


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 8 днів тому

    So sad ,I hope this just a story .🙁

    • @suwei
      @suwei 8 днів тому


  • @Cindy-re1yb
    @Cindy-re1yb 8 днів тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 8 днів тому


  • @user-my2sk3qw3q
    @user-my2sk3qw3q 8 днів тому

    床前明月光. 疑似地上霜. 有人懷疑他有近視眼.我猜他有偏頭痛。 舉頭望明月.低頭思故鄉.那不就是觀光客。

    • @suwei
      @suwei 8 днів тому


  • @user-ct8wq8se1m
    @user-ct8wq8se1m 9 днів тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei 8 днів тому


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 9 днів тому

    Thank you very much much ,😊

    • @suwei
      @suwei 8 днів тому
